Sunday, 17 June 2007

Final Intervention

Following the first in-person meeting with collaborators on the 23rd June, this space will be used to discuss the progress of the ideas and development of the FINAL INTERVENTION initiative. Comments are by invitation only - If you have an invite, please keep up the debate!


sara fernee said...

hello, thankyou for the invitation to contribute to this blog. Would it be possible to have a brief summary of the outcomes of the meeting? I went to investigate a disused warehouse on the river front at Newhaven, from the perspective of seeing how viable it would be as a location. It has been abandoned for some time, so there would be some areas that would be too unsafe to use due to broken over head skylights but the main area had stacks of potential. I'm waiting for a friend to get back to me about its history. I believe its owned by several people so may be a nightmare to get permission to use it..

Anonymous said...

Hi - Great to receive the invitation to join the blog, but as with Sara it would be great to hear about the meeting and any outcomes or next steps. Will minutes from the meeting be posted here or on the web site soon?

k.mcqueen said...

Hi chaps, i third that motion. would be great to get summary. There are quite a few places in the manchester area that have huge potential for exhibiting. i dont know what the feeling is about moving out of london for exhibiting. it would be interesting to know people thoughts.

melanita said...

I hope that a project like this could be on a national scale - there are so many empty buildings all over the country waiting in limbo for developers to knock them down and start again - especially in the north. It's become part of our national picture. I think of these buildings, whether houses or business premises, as characters from a fairy tale- in suspended animation, waiting for the kiss of life!
And artists are the ones who can give that kiss of life, not developers...

sara fernee said...

there seem to be plenty of opportunities down south too. Maybe london is a good place to start to get good exposure for the project and then it could expand nationally.. not had any news on meeting yet- can anyone summarise for us?

lara said...

hi all,

thank you for the invite. unfortunately, in the last moment, i had to leave london for a week and could not attend the meeting on saturday - so i'm using this as an opportunity to introduce myself and say hi :)

i recently did an outdoor video installation marking the end of a building... fortunately, council changed their mind recently and it looks like that the buliding will stay "alive" for yers to come :) you can find more info and pictures here:

and here:

i'm on a lookout for buildings that will be demolished in hackney and will post pictures soon since i saw a very interesting one in the neighbourhood.

+ it would be great to get the breif summary.

bev broadhead said...

Hi everyone - I was at the meeting on Saturday. We had really interesting discussions either side of terrential rain beating down on the roof which literally drowned us out! It's an exciting project and it was good to meet up with other artists and hear what their ideas are. To summarise, we talked about i) the role the community might take in a future project ii) the location of the building - some thought London as an initial project because of the focus on clearing land for the Olympics, but it was clear that there was good local knowledge from various parts of the UK iii) Joy and Noemi were dealing with funding and researching buildings initially and iv) between 5- 10 artists from the network would be exhibiting in the initial project (depending on the sort of building). I think these are the main points in a nutshell. Can anyone else add anything?

final intervention said...

Hi everyone,

It's great to see the blog being used already! I'm going to email some information out to you all, but we will post it here as well.

Thanks a lot for your summary Beverley: it essentially covers the main points of the discussion. The only point that we want to clarify is that in the discussion on current collaborators exhibiting as FINAL INTERVENTION's, we were talking about smaller-scale projects.

Further down the line, artists will be chosen by open submission: all current collaborators will of course be very welcome to submit proposals for these future projects.

Joy & Noemi

agentesse said...

Hello - I am very excited to have been asked to take part in this project - unfortunately couldn't make it to the meeting but look forward to the next.
I have some experience of working in empty housing association property - an opportunity I got through our arts development officer at hastings borough council - might be worth approaching councils who are generally supportive of art projects - at least to help identify possible buildings or owners. lots of redevelopment going on here on south coast but hard to find potential spaces/owners.